MedTech San Francisco Conference

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

This program is designed for early-stage MedTech ventures - no older than 15 years - that are looking to scale globally, to fast-track their commercialisation journey.

We are targeting applicants with proof-of-concept Studies – animal or clinical; a secure IP position and have raised first-round seed capital.

How are the successful applicants chosen? 

There is an evaluation carried out by BEDA and Life Science Nation representatives, with input from independent industry experts.

What costs are involved?

Brisbane Economic Development Agency will sponsor ten meritorious companies to take part in the accelerator syllabus at no fee.

However, companies will be required to cover all associated travel expenses aligned to the mandatory attendance of J.P. Morgan Health Week in San Francisco, 2024.

I live on the Gold Coast – do I need to live in Brisbane to take part?

You do not need to live in Brisbane, however, if your business does not have an office based in Brisbane City Council’s Local Government Area, you will need to demonstrate how your company utilises, interacts, or impacts the region in your application form. 

What if I cannot travel to JP Morgan Health Week?

We do require participation in all phases of the accelerator, including in-person global travel commitments. Our mission is to generate real-world investment outcomes, and our trade missions ensure all participants have an opportunity to start their funding campaigns.